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Read This: James 2.8-13 (ESV)

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  • Think back to your study in day four. How does 2.9-13 help your understanding of the sin of partiality?


  • One of the important points made in these verses is about breaking (transgressing) the law. Read 2.10-11 and fill in the blank: “to break one law is to break _____ laws”. Word Bank: a) one;  b) dance;  c) all


  • In verse 12 James speaks about the “law of liberty”. This “law of liberty” is used to describe the law we are under when we are believers in Jesus. We have been set free and forgiven! So what does James mean when he writes “So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty”? 

  • ​What is “mercy”? How does mercy triumph over judgement? Who is the person who ultimately triumphed over the judgement of the law? 

  • After James points out that we all are transgressors of the law (sinners), he then points out that, although we deserve merciless judgment, mercy—through the death and resurrection of Jesus—has overcome (triumphed over) the judgement of the law, which would condemn us to eternity in Hell because of our sin. Pray to God with thanks, because He has set us free from the penalty of sin! Jesus paid it all! All to Him we owe!

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