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​​James 2.1-7 (ESV)​​

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  • What does the word “partiality” mean?


  • What is a modern day version of the scenario that James writes in verses 2-3? Have you experienced something like this in your life before?


  • Verse 4 says that people who show favor—or more care/liking—of a rich person than a poor person is a judge who has “made distinctions”. What’s wrong with that? Do we have the authority to decide who is worth more or less than other people?


  • In verses 5-7, James is echoing Jesus’ words in Matthew 5.3-12 (the Beatitudes). With that in mind, is James saying we have to be financially poor in order to be saved? What is James really saying?


  • How can you begin to be more intentional about serving/loving all people regardless of wealth or social status?

  • Ask God to help you serve all people! Christ died for the rich and the poor, the popular and the forgotten. Christ died to redeem us from the consequences of our common state of sinfulness. Pray for help in remembering this when you interact with different people.

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