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​James 1.19-21 (ESV)

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  • Think about the context of James (who wrote it?; who was it written to?; what was the author’s life like?; what was the audience’s life like?). Why would James’ words in verses 19-20 be so important for the audience to hear?


  • How do verses 19-20 apply to your life right now? Would you say that you struggle with keeping your cool in tough situations? According to verse 20, why is it so important to “keep your cool”, even when you may feel you have the right to “lose it”?


  • Look at verse 21 and find at least 3 words to investigate. Use the resources on the GFSM Resources page to help you find some answers. (REMEMBER: Bible Dictionary; Lexicon [])


  • According to verse 21, what is the key tool to help you grow so that you can “produce the righteousness of God”?

  • Think about your responses to #2 and #4.  Pray for God to help you to become more like Jesus, even during hard times.


  • Pray and be thankful that God has given us His word so that we can know Him and have a relationship with Him.

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